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Unlocking the Power of Audio: Insights from Leading Industry Experts

Recently, The WARC Podcast shed light on the complexities and potentials of audio attention research in their podcast titled “Attention Beyond the Screen”. 

"There is a pernicious myth in media planning that a sight, sound and motion ad is inherently and drastically more superior than an audio ad. And every one of these studies puts a stake through the heart of that myth." - Pierre Bouvard, Chief Insights Officer at Cumulus Media and Westwood One

a picture of warc podcast

Understanding the Challenges in Measuring Audio Attention

Ailsa MacKenzie, Group Strategy Director at Global, highlighted the inherent challenges in measuring audio attention. Unlike visual attention, which can be tracked through eye-tracking tools, there is no direct equivalent for audio. Audio consumption spans diverse content and platforms, with listening contexts that vary widely. Furthermore, people often multitask while listening to audio, making traditional attention metrics like "attentive seconds" less applicable.

Research Hypotheses and Studies

Despite these challenges, the hypothesis that audio ads can be effective even with divided attention was put to the test. Two studies were conducted:

  1. Lab-based study with Walnut: This study compared neurological reactions to audio ads when participants were focused on the audio versus when they were distracted by a task.

  2. Large-scale diary study with Tapestry: This involved 3,019 participants documenting over 7,000 audio listening occasions, noting both the audio content and concurrent activities.

Key Findings: The Audio Attention Continuum

The studies revealed that audio attention is not binary. Instead, it exists on a continuum, shifting between the audio and other activities. Importantly, audio ads proved effective across this spectrum. Ad and brand recall rates were similar, regardless of whether the listener's attention was divided or focused.

Relevance and Familiarity emerged as critical factors in capturing attention. Ads that were relevant or contained familiar elements, like a recognizable voice or jingle, garnered more attention.

Insights from Industry Studies

Pierre Bouvard, Chief Insights Officer at Cumulus Media and Westwood One, shared findings from various studies, further validating the effectiveness of audio ads:

  • Karen Nielsen Field and Amplified Intelligence: Confirmed that low attention can still yield significant impact, particularly for categories like automotive, QSR, retail, and telco.

  • Adelaide Data: Showed that audio often performs as well or better than visual media, with radio being more cost-efficient than Facebook in terms of attention CPM (cost per thousand impressions).

  • Lumen and Dentsu Study: Found that audio had 56% greater attentiveness than Dentsu norms, with radio being eight times more cost-efficient than TV for attention CPM. Podcasts, despite higher CPMs, were also highly cost-efficient.

Challenging Myths and Re-Evaluating Media Planning

These findings challenge the myth that sight, sound, and motion ads are inherently superior to audio ads. Audio should be an integral part of media plans due to its high attentiveness and cost efficiency. Audio is not only effective for brand building but also supports activation strategies.

Key Implications for Media Planning and Research

  • Media Planning: Audio should feature more prominently in media plans given its high attentiveness and cost efficiency.

  • Brand Building: Audio plays a crucial role beyond activation, supporting comprehensive brand-building strategies.

  • Research Inclusion: Future attentiveness research must include audio to provide a complete picture of media effectiveness.

Final Thoughts

This podcast revealed, audio is a powerful and cost-effective medium for advertising. At Qsic, we are at the forefront of this revolution, offering advanced audio solutions that harness these insights to deliver impactful and engaging audio experiences. Embrace the future of audio with Qsic and see what innovation has in-store.


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